
Military Funeral Flags

September 5, 2022

Military Funeral Flags

Posted on September 5, 2022 by Williams Funeral Home under Funeral Home
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A military funeral flag is a standard United States flag that’s draped over the coffin or urn of a veteran or military servicemember during their funeral, memorial, or internment. You want to respectfully remember your lost loved one and honor their military service. What should you do with a military funeral flag after a service at a funeral home in Hampshire, TN ?

Also known as a military burial flag, the flag is folded up after the service is over 13 times to form a triangle, perhaps representing the 13 original colonies and the shape of the hats traditionally worn during the Revolutionary War. After its folded, the flag is given to the deceased’s closest family member, like a spouse, parents, sibling, or other next of kin. The VA provides funeral flags ate no cost for both active duty and retired veterans of any of the armed force divisions. Civilians can request flags, but they do come at a cost. If you are the recipient of a military funeral flag, you may be asking, “What do I do with the flag?” There are several options that both honor the memory of your lost loved one and respect the nature of the flag. Some of them include:

  1. Buy a Personalized Military Flag Case – There are many flag cases available for sale, such as personalized cases that display the veteran’s service branch, name, and rank. The wooden case keeps the flag free from dust, and a felt-lined lid provides an area to proudly display awards and insignia.
  2. Buy a Memorabilia and Flag Display Case – Showcase your lost loved one’s military memorabilia and their funeral flag with a special display case. Such cases are perfect to exhibit awards, patches, photos, insignia, and more. You can choose a wall-mountable or standing versions of this kind of case so you can display memorabilia and the flag wherever it fits best in your home.
  3. Fly the Flag – While the official United States Flag Code does not mention whether or not you are allowed to fly a military funeral flag, there are two main factions divided on this issue. Some believe that once a funeral flag is folded it should remain that way, meaning it cannot be flown. Others believe flying the flag is a noble and patriotic way of honoring the deceased.
  4. Display the Flag in a Homemade Case – Make your own case to display the funeral flag on your mantle, on a shelf, or on a wall. This is a great way to invest time and meaningful craftsmanship into honoring your lost loved one.funeral home in Hampshire, TN
  5. Choose an Urn Base Display Case – If your lost loved one was cremated, you can buy a flag display case that is designed to fit perfectly on top of their cremation urn. This way, you can keep your lost loved one’s remains and their funeral flag in the same place.

We are here to help if you want more information on military funeral flags or Hampshire, TN funeral homes. Call or visit us today to learn more.

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